Monday, January 21, 2013


If you'd like to see the original of
this, this is from my drawing
50 Factor.
Hair is one thing that many people are intimidated by, but that is super easy once you've really focussed on it for one or two drawings. The thing about hair is that unless you are looking at it up close, the individual hairs can't really be distinguished . So when drawing hair, I usually draw a light outline of the shape, and then start shading it in, depending on how light or dark the color is. Once it's shaded in to a relatively medium color, I start drawing darker streaks into it here and there to give it some shape and volume. Once I'm done with that, I get my kneaded eraser out and erase highlights in, which are usually just lighter shapes in the hair, not necessarily skinny streaks. Usually, the top of the head, around the roots will be lighter than the rest. When I'm done with these things, I usually smudge the different streaks together somewhat just to make it look more uniform. And that's hair. :)

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