Sunday, September 15, 2013


First steps, just getting things in place.
With flash, coming along.
No flash.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Steel Blue

Not quite done yet, but getting there.
Finished! Outlined in black pen, added some darker shadows, painted the eye, inside of the wing, and chest/belly scales silver with acrylic silver paint, then shaded slightly using a silver sharpie.
Same drawing without the flash.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Weird Flowers

This is actually semi-copied from a picture that came up when I typed in "cool flower tattoo". But I did change a few things with the shading, the little vine wrapping around the big flower, and I added the colors.

Watercolor Eye

Friday, May 31, 2013

Daenerys Quick Drawing

My Drawing Music

If you're like me, you love drawing but you just don't find yourself motivated to do it most of the time. Music really helps inspire me to draw, so I thought I'd make a list of some of the songs that I love to listen to while I draw. Hopefully they're helpful to someone out there!

Boadicea- Enya (here's a decent remix of it
Annie Use Your Telescope- Jack's Mannequin
Wavin Flag- Knaan
Never Win- Fischerspooner
The Persuaded- Faded Paper Figures
Making Me Nervous- Brad Sucks
Hear You Me- Jimmy Eat World
Rain- Breaking Benjamin
All of the following by Lovedrug: Down Towards The Healing, Candy, Angels With Enemies
Poetic Tragedy- The Used
Good Riddance- Green Day
All of the following by Neurosonic: For The Boy, Me Myself and I, Fearless, So Now You Know
Sail- Awolnation
All of the following by Mumford and Sons: I Will Wait, The Cave, White Blank Page, Little Lion Man
All of the following by Muse: Supermassive Black Hole, Uprising, Time is Running Out, Hysteria, Map of the Problematique, Madness
All of the following by Linkin Park: Hands Held High, Burn it Down, Waiting for the End
It Became a Lie on You- Shiny Toy Guns
Radioactive- Imagine Dragons
Round and Round- Imagine Dragons
Chains- Kenna
Secret Crowds- Angels and Airwaves

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Pen Practice

Just some random work on shading with pen. No it's not a real person and yes I know the eyes are way too close together haha.

Friday, April 19, 2013


Pen. Just practicing the reflections in eyes and eyelashes.

Horse Detail Steps

Click for larger image.
Step 1: I lightly drew the outline of the horse and some areas that will be shaded, just to get the basic shape down.

Step 2: I started shading the head, just based on where the shadows are in the reference photo.

Click for larger image.
Step 3: I started to fill in some of the outside edges.

More shading...starting on the background a tiny bit to get a feel of where things should go.

And then just basically rushed the end haha. I just wanted it to be done! Pen is such a pain! I might
make a background later, but for now it's done.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013